Victoria's Secret Pink

Victoria's Secret Pink Sweet And Flirty Body Lotion

4.66 / 5
4.66 / 5 star rating
194 reviews


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5.00 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
I usually always go when they have a good sale on their lotions and perfume but this scent just smells so good and a lot of the others do too so i do recommend
5.00 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
I’m not big on VS but this is a great scent and it’s a good amount and it has last me a long time and the dispenser is reusable!!!!!
5.00 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
I just bought another bottle. That's just how much I love this! It's the perfect, sweet, and feminine smell I love. It's extremely hydrating and just what you need if you work in a field where you're the only girl and everything around you smells like a guy