Ubi Soft Ubisoft 34791...
37 Reviews
Tutta la storia dell’assassino più famoso di Firenze. Divertente, appassionante. La storia parte da Ezio ragazzo, fino a Ezio anziano.
Super fun love all three. You get three for one fun for all the ages. One of the best throw backs.
The one game series that made me a gamer! Still in love with the franchise and never getting bored of it!
My boyfriend loves the assassins creed games! They have 100s of hours of story gameplay with a lot of side missions and tasks to do. The graphics and the lore approve with every new game released.
I love the stories of the assassin's creed games. The first two get quite repetitive I felt like, but they were still enjoyable. It's like a fake history, time travel game, but you also end of fighting baddies in the modern world too.
Really really cool story line loved the characters it was like watching a really long movie but it wasn't bad at all!
My First AC game was Black Flag and because I really enjoyed it I picked up this trilogy. The controls were a major shift and made me frustrated at first but once I got used to them everything was fine. The Ezio storyline is so good. I really enjoyed playing and discovering what AC was all about. Additionally, having started with Black Flag and then going back allowed me to truly see how the graphics and game play progressed through the series. I even bough the trilogy for my husband on PS4!
The Assassin's creed games have such an interesting preface, storyline and actual game mechanics that take it apart from many other games and that's why I keep returning to these. They have great combat and storylines as well as pretty beautiful graphics. Would recommend them to everyone!
Story line is amazing. Graphics are just awesome. The details that they put into these games are just fantastic.
I really love the assassin creed games. There's something special about going around saving people as a video game robin hood. My only complaint is there's no female playable characters.