29 reviewsEs como un postre hecho té. Tiene un sabor fuerte y emperfuma el lugar cuando se prepara.
Delicioso y me gusta tomarlo con el desayuno. Es mi reemplazo del café.
Amo la cantidad de sobres que trae el paquete a un precio grandioso.
Ok this is my first and probably last review for a food/beverage product. But it’s SO GOOD I had to rave. This smells amazing and tastes even better. This has been great and helping me with sugar cravings in the evening and it’s decaf! I love dessert & chocolate but I am not 18 anymore and I can’t eat them in excess every day, this is a happy medium and helps with my cravings!
A marvelously smooth and delicious tea with just a hint of astringency. Absolutely amazing with a splash of half and half or non-dairy substitute. The only qualms I have with this is that I can never, ever find it in local grocery stores and always have to order it from Amazon. Of the few Stash teas that I've tried, this has been one of the best ones for a casual, sipping tea.The white chocolate variant is not as good, if anything, it's absolutely undrinkable. Do not get me started on the Red Velvet tea. God, that was vile.