
Square Enix

Square Enix Final Fantasy...
9 Reviews
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Je me souviens de ce jeux à l’époque je l’avait adoré histoire graphisme (pour l’époque) c’était que du plaisir on avait déjà un bonne durée de vie
4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
Ring of Fates is a great dungeon crawler with superb graphics. With local friends, it's the best multiplayer game around, but it's worth picking up for the single-player as well. You can play through the obligatory quest, controlling 4 characters at once if you feel like it. I found far more fun in creating my own character and playing the multiplayer "free mode" by myself - no cutscenes or story, but all of the same towns and dungeons. The controls are sufficient when you are controlling just one character, but when you're babysitting up to four, they occasionally get convoluted and cumbersome. The selling factors on this game are the graphics and the loot. Your avatar changes appearance with each item you equip - a surprising and rewarding bonus to finding rare helmets or synthesizing a new cloak, etc.
4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
Very in depth t game. Requires lots of skill. Character progression is very good. There is a vast world to explore with beautiful environments however after completion can be very repetitive.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Another perfect game because I have three siblings that are all gamers! This game is so underrated and I wish more people gave it a chance and played it because it's so addicting and fun. Even if you didn't have someone else to play with, single player was still a blast. The mini games like Selkie jumping and caravan races were so intense between my family and I!
4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
Very underrated and very fun. I really enjoyed the multiplayer, however that was difficult to do. It was tough to have the game it adapter to the game boy to play multiplayer. Aside from this I really like this game.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
One of the best multiplayer RPGs I've ever played! Way ahead of its time. A few friends and I all had game boy advances that connected to this game that you could use as a controller. This game paved the way for dual screen gaming.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
One of my all-time favorites! I've had countless hours of fun playing this with friends and family! The music has also moved me in a way that not many games are able to do!
4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
Crystal Chronicles is a solid RPG. I has many of the elements that Square Enix fans have to come to know and love. However, it wasn't my favorite in their catalog of games. I prefer the classic Final Fantasy VII or Tactics to this.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
This was such a cute game that I greatly enjoyed as a kid. It has customizable character options and you really feel like a character in the game.