
Sebamed Liquid Face & Body Wash for Sensitive Skin

4.62 / 5
4.62 / 5 star rating
153 reviews


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4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
The **Sebamed Gentle Cleanser** is truly a go-to product! It's incredibly gentle on the skin, cleansing effectively while also providing moisture. Unlike other cleansers, it doesn't cause any dryness or irritation, making it perfect for sensitive skin. I even use it on my 5-year-old with no issues. Its mild formula makes it safe for all ages, and it leaves the skin feeling soft and refreshed. Highly recommended for daily use!
4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
Lathers well and cleanses my body. The scent is pretty mild and keeps my body fairly moisturised after. I still do follow-up with something after however. Good product for the price you pay.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Ideal esta emulsión sin jabón, para la higiene corporal diaria, protege nuestra piel de la deshidratación, es ideal para pieles sensibles y delicadas gracias a su ph 5.5 y a que no contiene jabones. Huele muy bien y tiene una textura densa y muy suave. Además es respetuoso con el medio ambiente por contener tensoactivos casi 100 % biodegradables.