50 Questions
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Do you clean your bathtub after every use or once per week? This is not a question about showers or for people that take only showers.
Can not get a clean feeling unless I use these scrubbingbubbles?
Does this really work?
How do you like this product?
How well does this work on stains?
Does this work well for the bathtub? Or do you have to scrub for a long time?
Does anyone have experience using Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Clean Scent Antibacterial Bathroom Cleaner on tile mildew? I recently moved into an apartment and it looks like the previous tenant didn’t do a great job keeping their bathroom tile clean so now I’m trying to get ride of some of the remaining mildew stains.
Thanks in advance!
Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foam is it tough on soap scum built up around taps? Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Clean Scent Antibacterial Bathroom Cleaner
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