Salon Perfect
Salon Perfect Trim & Shape...
27 Reviews
I use these to clean up my eyebrows when needed. They are easy to use and affordable. If you are a beginner, use cation but great to have around.
I was terrified to try anything sharp around my eyebrows to be honest. I did it though and I didn't hack em off.. I just got rid of all the 🍑 fuzz around my brows and between the bridge of my eyes on my nose. It always takes me so long to tweeze in the mirror and it does not really feel good to pull those tiny little hairs with each eyebrow let me tell ya. So for me this was a great option. Some day I'll invest in something more technical but for now, this was affordable and available at Walmart!! [product:salon-perfect:-brow-trim-&-shape-razors]
Any of these products I’ve tried is amazing!!! Love using this to clean up around my eyebrows when I get too lazy to wax
These razors last a very long time. Anywhere from 4-6 months(for a 3 pack). I use mine about every month and a half. I used this product to make a nice, clean brow slit. I’ve let the slit grow out now but I always use them to clean up my brows in general because they are PAINLESS. I love them. 5 star, affordable razors.
This razor is so amazing it helps to shape my brows and take my facial hair perfectly without any irritation making my skin soft.
These are good sharp razors that work well but I find that it’s difficult for myself to get the underside of my brow near my eye and thus have stray hairs
I love these eyebrow shavers there really small and there perfect to clean around ur brow the blade is very sharp so u do have to be careful these can be used also for upper lip or face whatever u prefer but I reccomend this brand for sure !!!!
Love these keep these on hand always for stray hairs and just keeping my brows shaped they come in different colors and sizes they’re super affordable and I highly recommend them I definitely will repurchase and keep extra
Theses are amazing if you want to get all the nasty hair off your brow or you have hear any wear on your face it a good tool to have this is my 10 one lol I use mine all the time I recommend this
These are ok. The blades don't stay sharp very long and are quite small. They don't feel like they are of good quality. I have tried better. The Flawless brand are better in my opinion.