Safety First Aid Savlon...
7 Reviews
This is one of my go-to antiseptic creams. It can be used on anything and with 2 children at home I am always using it on cuts and grazes. It's also great for bits, stings, itching and irritation also any other skin irritation you can think of. The cream is a white colour and has a pleasant smell. You only need a small amount to rub gently on the affected area, it starts to work almost straight away and absorbs into the area quickly without that greasy feeling to the skin. Highly recommended.
This antiseptic cream does wonder on the skin when ever you got any burns or wound on the any part we can directly apply this ointment this serve the purpose
I really enjoy using this brand. I feel that the antiseptic part does work. I use this cream for lots of different scraps, cuts ect. What I like the most about this is you only need a tiny amount this cream spreads far. Not over priced very reasonable. Highly recommend
been using this for spots for years now! when ever i have cystic acne or i can feel a spot coming, i apply this before bed and when i wake up i instantly see a difference. also one tube is like £3 so it’s so cheap for what it does
My family can't live without this antiseptic cream who is help prevent infection, this cream I use like first Aid - Cuts /grazes - Insect bites /stings - Minor burns/ scalds - Shaving cuts, also helps with skin problems.
I absolutely love this product, started using it about two weeks ago as i had a skin breakout and a friend recommended it for acne, i went and brought it and after one night i had results... my skin was so smooth, now two weeks later my skin is better than ever. i would 100% recommend to anyone also because it is so useful for little scrapes and cuts, just slap it on and your grazes will heal so fast!
Fab product, we use all the time for scrapes and cuts as I have boys who skateboard and bump themselves all the time. Helps with the skin healing so my son will carry the small tube around in his bag. Would love to find a clear spray version. [product:savlon-antiseptic-cream-30gm-[personal-care]