5 reviewsI think I finally found a reeses cup I truly love! This is the mallow top. It is sort of like the white resses but a touch sweeter. I got hooked to then find out it was only out for easter. :(.This was a big treat kind of like lays potato chips. You can't just eat one! Anybody that had these please tell me what you thought.
These aren’t bad but aren’t great. We picked them up for 75% off after Easter at the market. The milk chocolate and peanut butter are perfect- just like you expect a Reese’s to taste. The white “marshmallow” situation is too sweet. It also tastes like saccharine. It does not taste like the white chocolate or marshmallow. It just tastes bad.
[product:reeses-mallow-top-marshmallow-creme-with-milk-chocolate-peanut-butter-cups] For Easter I saw these at the store and was hesitant to buy thinking I wouldn't like them. However I bought them and ate one and was surprised at how much I liked them! The top is a marshmellow coat instead of chocolate. The bottom layer is chocolate and the Middle is peanut butter. It was So Good!!! I went and bought more!