PlayStation 4 (PS4)

PS4 Ghost of Tsushima

4.79 / 5
4.79 / 5 star rating
43 reviews


43 reviews


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4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
Solid game. Great experience. Can jump into it for 30 min or play for several hours. Fluid combat has a solid feel. Very tactile. Great scaling difficulty too. You never feel like the games getting easier just that you get better. Stealth also isnt forced. Great side missions reminds me of the Witcher. Dialogue can be a little wooden at times. Its going for that samurai movie feel but lacks impact.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Best samurai game ever made. Graphics in this game are marvelous - beautiful yellow, red, white, and green landscapes capture my attention. There is stealth in this game but I prefer combat since it is so satisfying and the sounds feel realistic. Whenever I successfully dodge or parry, I feel accomplished. I play this game for months and will still get addicted to it. The campaign has an interesting storyline. The multiplayer mode is enthralling. Whenever I start this game, it would take me hours before I put it down. Ghost of Tsushima is a must-play for everyone. If you have not played it before, play it now!
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Une histoire très intéressante voir touchante, j’ai adoré passer des heures sur ce jeu. Les missions annexes sont un peu répétitives mais ne gache en aucun cas le plaisir de jeu. L’interface de jeu est très simple a comprendre, on est sur un monde ouvert un peu similaire a assassin’s creed sur quelques points. Honnêtement je recommande aux joueurs d’essayer ce jeu, ils ne regretteront pas cet achat!