Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

4.76 / 5
4.76 / 5 star rating
95 reviews


95 reviews


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5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
This is just a lovely story, and a wonderful adaptation that follows the plot of the original novel. I love the casting - it feels like each person suits the character as Jane originally intended.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
I don’t read a lot, and I will say that I saw the movie first and that was what inspired me to read the book. And I don’t regret it at all. It is so magnificent to read so well put together thoughts and lines, to be able to experience trough out a book such an amazing time of the past and such a teachable love story.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Das Buch ist um einiges besser, aber trotzdem ist der Film klasse. Jane Austen hat ein Meisterwerk geschaffen. Die Charaktere sind gut umgesetzt und gut gecastet.