Nu Skin
Nu Skin Ageloc Dermatic...
39 Reviews
I have been using Nu Skin Ageloc Dermatic Effect for just over a year.
I had some bad acne scarring just under the side of my chin. After using, the scarring isn’t as noticeable as it once was. Definitely helps tighten skin on thighs and arms!
I was definitely skeptical about this, but I stayed consistent and used it twice a day and the results speak for themselves. I am now using it on my thighs and tummy as well. It smells great and definitely a product I will continue to use.
Es una crema corporal que sirve para diferentes zonas del cuerpo tiene una fragancia dulce y la piel la absorbe rápidamente ya que tiene una textura fina
Perfettamenteadatto consiglioper gli.inestetismi.della cellulite .rende la pelle trattamenti provare per credere
This is a great moisturizer and has made a difference in the way my skin looks. It has made the wrinkles on my chest less visible. The skin on your chest is much thinner and is prone to sun damage
Estaría encantada de poder tener esta prueba la e visto y e escuchado que es bastante buena que da buenos resultados en su uso y ayuda a disimular las celulitis de tu piel ya que es lo importante
At firsti waa a.bit.hectic aboutit.but.once and just have to have it. It covers up.really good and it leaves.your skin feeling so soft too
This really does make your skin look and feel tighter. I also love the my skin tan for the perfect amount of bronze skin.
Oh my God I really really really need it it’s like I really need it I have cellulite on my tight part it’s like so embarrassed but I really need it!
I have been using it on my chest and neck and I have not noticed any improvement. Disappointing because it was a decent amount of money and see no improvement.