Kicking Horse Coffee
Kicking Horse Coffee Cliff...
17 Reviews
This coffee is so much better than anything else in this price point. It is very good, aromatic, smooth and not bitter.
The aroma and taste are above average for grocery store beans. I grind and drink this espresso daily- usually as a latte. It definitely does the trick to get me going in the morning. Expensive - but worth it.
This flavor knocks you in the teeth. Something you need in the morning is a knock in the teeth. Full-bodied strong and I give it a five-star
Excelente presentacion , delicioso sabor y qroma, disfruto al macimo todas mis mañanas con una taza de cafe y sobre todo el sabor unico toda la cocina y sala se llenan del delicioso aroma y perdura x varias horas ! Acompaño mi desayuno , y ademas una taza por las tardes
good guys, this is something super good and too much recommended, go ahead and try it, it is super delicious, it fits well and there is no comparison and nothing richer than this I love it and I hope you try it and you will also love it
Un agradable sabor para mi me despierta y me alegra mi día y sobretodo tiene un sabor rico
Great coffee! I love to get whole bean coffee. I enjoy the smell and taste of freshly ground coffee. It works for an espresso shot, a cortado, or to make a great latte to get you going in the morning! I give it ⭐⭐⭐- for smell, taste, and freshness.
This stuff, as its name suggests, is strong! If you like a coffee that really will wake you up and get you going... This is the one!
Delicious coffee from a Canadian company, what more can you ask for? I buy this brand quite often, it’s definitely good quality. Love it!
Best coffee in the world! I drink this coffee literally every single day! I think that maybe they can improve packaging design, but it doesn’t really matter to me, because the flavor is fantastic, I recommend!