Hot Shot
Hot Shot Ant Killer Plus 16...
77 Reviews
Hot shot ant killer plus 16 is good.
Nice decent smell.
Packaging is good and well packed
Safe for kids
Works good and worth of money and easy to use
Insecticida que mata al contacto y sigue matando con una acción residual que dura hasta 6 meses. Efectivo contra hormigas, cucarachas, grillos y muchas especies más.
Okay so I spray of this will make sure not even a small bug can pass the area. It’s super strong chemicals so make sure you wear a mask. It says that the affect will last for months so not sure how much but it’s very powerful.
[product:hot-shot-ant-killer-plus-16-oz] is the best spray to get rid of ants in the house. I live in a very wooded area and the ants are so bad especially in the summer time and I have tried so many products but this ant killer is the best one yet. I spray along my counter tops and along my bar and I don’t see ants for days so I would recommend the product if you have ant problems like myself
We have so many ants come in to our bathroom, I spray this for a few days and it got it under control. It does not have a strong smell
I buy a can of this every spring, when I somehow get tiny ants crawling in through an almost invisible crack near my front door. Every single year for 12 years now. Hot Shot Ant Killer is my go-to ant killing spray. Its unscented but does have a particular scent to it. Like a faint chemical smell, which I think is to be expected. If it s.elled like nothing, I'd have to wonder what, if anything, was in it. Kills ants on contact. I'll usually spray around my front door on the inside and outside just to be thorough. Please, keep pets away!
I use this to keep the aunts from coming in my front and side doors. Works instantly.
I live in Texas where the ant struggle is real! We have fire ants, carpenter ants, and everything in between. My daughters play in our backyard and I want to know it’s a safe place for them. Every time we see an ant, we use Hot Shot and they are immediately exterminated. Worth every penny.
We get a lot of ants in the house during the summer and we like to spray this around the house in the spring to prepare, it gets the job done.
I have had a few instances of ants near my balcony door and this spray instantly kills them and keeps them away for several days.