

Honey Crisp Apples
3 Reviews
5.00 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
My favorite apples. Probably everyone's favorite. They're sweet and delicious! I have them in my house all year round. I usually buy them individually instead of in a bag.
5.00 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
I love these apples. Where were these as a kid. Much Better then a delicious Apple. These are hearty and perfectly sweet, and always have a nice crunch to them. The skin on the outside have a nice color and presentation to them. They always get eaten in our house. I will always will reccomend.
5.00 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Honey crisp apple is a delicious hybrid of red delicious and granny Smith apples. It has the right about of sweet but tartness. The crisp is amazing.