Green Planet

Green Planet Champ Flush Out Detox Drink - Grape

4 / 5
4 / 5 star rating
2 reviews


2 reviews


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3 / 5 star rating
3 / 5
I don't know yet if I passed but I do know that if I do I'll be really lucky because they drink turns your urine a bright green color and you cannot flush the toilet after going to the restroom in a cup so they see the bright green which is not normal under any circumstance so what excuse can you give for what you had that made your urine a fluorescent green? I will update when I get results and if I get the job but even if I do pass that's taking a big risk at failing so I can't give anymore credit than three stars and I'm not certain that even if I do pass that this deserves 3 stars even because of this green urine issue.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Well I've used it and passed with flying colors but then the nexttwo times I don't know if it is due to drinking caffinated drinks something crazy thing is the time I passed I was smoking all night before the test the next day I took the test and passed it then then other two times I pretty much the same thing even smoking and didn't pass then another time I did it a didn't do anything for two days and still was shown positive! So unless it was old what else did I do to not pass? Because once before I smoked all night and passed the next day drinking Champ Detox Drink!!!!!