Grafix 50 Sheet Sanded Shrink...
1 Review
I bought these off of Amazon for about $20-$25. I just used them today to make earrings so I wasn't sure how they were gonna come out. Well it worked amazingly. If you're not a pro its best to draw your design on a sheet of paper and then trace it on the shrinky dink sheet. You can use permanent markers, but I've also seen some people use paint markers. You can also use colored pencils to color in your design. You might have to do a few layers or use different shades of the same color to heighten the colors. Turn the oven on 325 degrees and only leave them in for like a minute. They don't have a problem of curling like I've seen some do so you won't have to mush them down with anything. Also make sure you draw the picture pretty big if you're trying to do some what big earrings, because its gonna shrink like half the size that they started. Also the colors are gonna darken a bit and will become more prominent. I had fun testing out these sheets