

Goody Ouchless Comfort...
734 Reviews
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Grew my hair out since Covid. Perfect fit for my hair. Comfy and I lose them or break then when I rip them out of my knotted hair. My go to when I buy them.
4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
These hair ties are my favorite brand , they last a Longggg time and are the perfect thickness for all hair types . Plus very good deal for quality and amount
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
I love these because the don't break my hair . I also find they don't break themselves either. They also last a very long time. The price is good as well and they are my go to elastics . I would recommend these to anyone looking for hair ties. Awesome product.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
These ouchless ponytail holders are so great. Sometimes I would suffer from tension headaches due to little snags of the ponytail holder, but with these, I have no pain. I like that they also don't break my hair off. The less tension, the better.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
These ouchless ponytail holders keep my messy buns up without tangling my hair. My hair stays in place all day even though I go for a "messy" look without the worry of the ponytail holder sliding down and out of my hair or loosening throughout the day. I have bought this product for multiple years with no complaints and will continue to do so.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Just wish that they would get rid of the seams because they snag my hair. Otherwise, they’re great.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Excellent hold but not to tight! Easy to get in and out of hair, especially for younger kiddos
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Estas me han sacado de apuros muchisimas veces, lo malo es que pierden elasticidad muy rapido. Si son funcionales pero eso de que pierdan rapido elasticidad me fastidia un poco. Son economicas. Pero solo las volvería a comprar en un apuro. Del resto, no.
1 / 5 star rating
1 / 5
These actually are so bad for your hair I like using silk scrunchies instead! And I definitely recommend those 100%! I bought a pack of 5 on Amazon and I use them everyday! They’re so much healthier for your hair and scalp
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
I love these!!! I have fine/thin hair and these keep my ponytail in place wonderfully!  Normally I will lose the ponytail holders before they wear out so a pack of 14 lasts a really good while for me!  I always have one around my wrist and in my bag and car!