
frito-lay® original trail mix

4.57 / 5
4.57 / 5 star rating
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5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
In Toscana a Viareggio spendendo il visito mangi All ristorante all Molo come un signore .Adoro Italia adoro la cultura e la cucina italiana .Viareggio puoi non ne parliamo una città stratosferica
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
Deseo que sean eternos; son divinos, su contenido mix es lo que lo hace exquisito y diferente. Lo recomiendo 100 % Es ideal para saciar un antojo o hambre! Compruébalo y cuéntame tu experiencia!
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
[product:frito-lay-original-trail-mix] I enjoy these very much particularly because I'm watching my weight and it's truly paid off! 😁😘 I've benn watching my intake due to my hubby having a heart attack on September 11, 2020 😥🙏. Makes me so sad but that's the main reason (as that event has altered some areas in our lives!. Definitely a challenge in every way) and this trail mix allows me to snack healthy #healthylivingandeating while keeping my weight loss goals. If you're trying to lose some weight weather due to health or just for yourself, to look great and you still want something both sweet and healthy, you might want to try these (tbh I exclude the 🍫 pieces to make it even healthier with virtually no sugar, just preference Influensters').