Elizabeth Arden

Flawless Finish Perfectly Nude Makeup - Buff

4.15 / 5
4.15 / 5 star rating
72 reviews


72 reviews


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4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
I mean, this foundation is soooo good. I don’t like the full covering foundations. This is so natural, and smoothes my face. It looks so good. I do have concealer, powder, blush, bronzer and highlighter on. But I can still see the foundations work💖🌞Its the best foundation I’ve tried. I got it for free, so I could try it. And I’m not saying all of this just because I got it for free. I’m being genuine! 💕 It’s a bit expensive for my taste, but I really could consider buying it after I run out 😻 [product:elizabeth-arden-flawless-finish-skincaring-foundation-1oz-150n-fair-skin-neutral][product:elizabeth-arden-flawless-finish-skincaring-foundation-1oz-150n-fair-skin-neutral]
4 / 5 star rating
4 / 5
This is the best foundation, by far, that I have ever used. It has a lightweight feel, but it is medium to full coverage. Easy to blend and provides a flawless look. Only downside is that it’s a bit overpriced. Other than that, I recommend it!
3 / 5 star rating
3 / 5
I think this is the right foundation as the bottle looks the same but mine is called flawless finish perfectly satin in shade golden sands. It’s a medium coverage foundation so may not be the best for people who want a subtle/light glow but perfect for covering a few imperfections. Can sometimes feel a little heavy so keep that in mind if you don’t like a full look