25 reviewsI love this product. I am always biting my nails, and once I got this product, my nails are growing healthy and strong. It is easy to use like a nail polish, only when sometimes I try to bite my nails again. The taste is not good, but it helps me not to bite the. Now my nails are growing.
I purchased this product for my toddler son who incessantly bites his nails and I loved it! It totally fit him to stop biting his nails and the price was great! I didn’t notice much scent which was great and therefore loved it!
This polish really stopped my bad habit of 23+ years…nail biting. It really makes your nails and everything you touch taste horribly bitter. I find myself waking up in the morning with bitter lips. The bitter taste lingers in your mouth and makes you regret of your bad decisions. The polish comes off of your nails within a day or two but the chemical and bitter taste stays on your nails for the follow weeks. This is a good investment if you want to quit biting on your nails.