Dr. Bronner's

Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap (16 oz, Baby Unscented)

4.76 / 5
4.76 / 5 star rating
655 reviews


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5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
This is a really good body wash or you can shape with it as multiple use and it’s really good if you like that clean feeling on your body.  100% recommended. 
3 / 5 star rating
3 / 5
I already have dry skin, so it was unfortunate that using this sensitive soap made my skin feel tight and dry immediately after use and actually caused flaking skin on my face after a few weeks of use. At first I thought it was the weather causing my dry skin but when I switched back to my other cleanser it improved quickly. I love the clean organic ingredients, but it didn’t work for me.
5 / 5 star rating
5 / 5
literally my favorite soap! since it’s unscented I use this for my body and sometimes my face as well! I love it so much, and I also really recommend the dr bonners soap in the peppermint scent, it makes me feel nice and fresh after my shower!