5 reviewsI was pleasantly surprised by this! Our yard is not landscaped at our new house yet which means Murphy comes in after it rains with paws caked in mud. Wiping with towels alone wasn't doing the trick, so we tried this. It works really well! Depending on how muddy your pup's paws are, you may need to use it a couple times and/or change out the water, but it definitely works! I was surprised that Murph tolerated it as well as he did, as he hates his paws being touched. Surprisingly, he warmed up to this really well! My only problem is that it's very easy to knock over when you set it down to wipe off soaked paws... I wish the bottom was flared out more so it's more stable for washing and just setting down in general. It's been knocked over so many times while I've been drying off his paws and then dirty water goes everywhere... not fun. I haven't needed to wash mine yet so I can't speak on how well it washes in the dishwasher, but overall I'm pleased! Definitely recommend if your pup often gets muddy paws! Pro tip: you can add a drop of your dog's shampoo to help get your pup's paws extra clean! Just don't do it too often and rinse with regular water after so you don't irritate your pup's toes and pads with the soap
Pictured: Before and After using
We were skeptical at first how well these would work, but they work so well. We use them almost daily to clean our dogs paws. They work really well when it’s rained and the ground is really muddy! Highly recommend
muddy paws go in, clean paws come out! To use, add a little water to the base of the Mud Buster. Then, insert the muddy paw, do the twist, dab the paw dry, and repeat for 3 more feet! The Mud Buster features an array of soft, gentle, thick silicone bristles inside an easy-to-grip tumbler. Designed to be gentle on your dog's paw, the silicone bristles will gently loosen mud and dirt, keeping the mess in the MudBuster and not in your home or car. The Mud Buster is great for trips to the park, hiking, running or even playing outside