David Shaw Silverware Na Ltd
David Shaw Silverware Na Ltd...
22 Reviews
These are great they are loud however you have to be really gentle with them and not mess around with them too much because they will end up messing up later it’s great but always make sure u get a back up
Great product sound🔊good and bluetooth ready affordable not pricey good gift for yourself or others
The whole purpose of me buying these speakers is so I could watch the water dance when the music plays so you can imagine my disappointment when I found out that only one speaker works properly . It’s also pretty hard to get set up. :(
I got these speakers back in 2015 and they are still working very well today. The only problem I can say I have with this product Is that they are not very loud compared to the bluetooth larger version of this product. Otherwise they work very well and they are pretty cool.
The colors in the speakers so so pretty the water goes with the best of the song. And the speakers work so amazing and get really loud!! I got them from Walmart! Absolutely amazing
These are the best water speakers that i have came across! I was given these same water speakers on my birthday once and that was about three or four years ago and they are still kinda working to this day. I use them more or less everyday and they are amazing! although the sound on them arent really working but look how long they lasted me! I would totally recommend these to any music lover or to anyone who wants more volume to their laptop or phone!
I achieved this product as a Christmas gift 2 years ago and i was super excited to get it because it was the latest trend. I used it as soon as I had the time and over the course of a week the speaker started to fall out and the writers were poking out of the speaker hole. I had no idea why it was happening and I was reading other peoples reviews saying it worked perfectly fine, so maybe I got a defected one. Overall, the product was a great idea. I personally would not buy again.
I have heard these are great. My bestie has one she loves it so much. Love the colors
These speakers are awesome! They give off great sound and the water goes to the beat of the music. My roommates and I could watch the water bouncing for hours. Overall, great speakers and would recommend to anyone considering buying these..
These speakers are amazing. I bought 2 of them when I went to Myrtle Beach during March Break/ Spring Break and I have been using them since. I have people asking where to buy them already. Definitely worth getting them and I highly recommend them.