81 reviewsBe careful with this company. Be aware that you may pay for merchandise and they may not send you all of your merchandise and when you request either a replacement or a refund they may take over a month to simply look into it. Guys please be aware of professional scams. That is when a business is a legit business but still commit fraud or scams via their business. For example you pay for 30 items but they may only send 25 without any resolution what so ever. This is based on my experience alone. my opinion based on my experience. Read and find the reviews. just pay attention to the bad ones. Companies may pay people for good reviews. Again all is an honest opinion based on experience. Angie /Kim please stop the fraud, people work hard for their money. By definition fraud is wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.
I spoke to Nicole, at the end of the call I asked her how much was my store credit. She said X amount minus shipping and handling. I explained 4 times that my original total was over $100 and I never had to pay shipping and handling. (I think maybe she was just being lazy and never went back to the original screen to see my total. )Anyway she proceeds to get an attitude. I said forget it, give me a refund! I called back after I did the math myself, just to make a point that she was never trying to help with the situation at all, just trying to rush me off the phone, and she sends me directly to Ryan as I'm trying to have a conversation with her, who from the very beginning was rude and wouldn't listen. Once he finally let me talk to explain, he said oh yeah you're right I see now.They are rude and don't listen, I'd rather go to my local mall and buy whatever they have for whatever price they have not to have to deal with them again.
I was a little skeptical at first from all the bad reviews, but I took a chance, and I'm so happy I did. I got all the PJ's I wanted for my daughter and they were all the right size. I placed my order on the 23rd and got my order today, the 29th!